“In other words, he was accused of being influenced by himself …”
“But anyway, he went about publishing some books. Till he stagnated completely.”
“Stagnated? Are you referring to his ability to …?”
“No, I mean the public. Stagnated. The books hardly stayed on showcase, booksellers now only accepted them on consignment. And you know what they said?”
The Magic Word 2005, p.51
Born June 16th 1961.
Rui Zink was born in Lisbon in 1961, where he is now a writer and university lecturer. He was a regular guest on late-night TV discussion programmes and he has become popular as an agent provocateur in Lisbon’s cultural scene. Zink is the author of more than twenty books, including A Arte Suprema, the first Portuguese graphic novel, and Dádiva Divina, which was awarded Portugal’s prestigious Pen Club Award.
Rui Zink was born in Lisbon in 1961, where he is now a writer and university lecturer. Zink is the author of more than twenty books, including A arte suprema, the first Portuguese graphic novel, and Dádiva Divina, which was awarded Portugal’s prestigious Pen Club Award.
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